This appeal is now closed. For information on our Together for London grantmaking, read our latest blog. Thank you for showing your solidarity for London.
What is the crisis Londoners are facing?
Communities who have barely taken a breath since the last lockdown now find themselves facing an even bigger struggle to make ends meet this autumn as the cost of living in London soars.
London has the highest rates of poverty in the UK. The rise in cost of living, with inflation the highest it has been in 40 years, will deepen existing poverty across our Capital and tip more people into poverty. And it will not be felt equally. People from some ethnic groups, older people, women, families with children, and disabled people will be at the sharp end, having to make their wage, pension, or weekly budget stretch until it snaps.
Despite being one of the most prosperous cities in the world, people will forgo meals to ensure their children can eat, will get cold and poorly in winter because they fear putting the heating on, will stop attending their local youth club or community group because they can’t afford the bus fare.
Some will face becoming homeless and others will feel unable to leave an abusive relationship because their financial future will be so uncertain. The daily stress of budgeting and managing debt will also take its toll on people’s wellbeing and health.

Where will people turn for support?
Our communities, in London and across the country, need urgent action and support from our government. But while they wait for that to come, they will turn to the people they know and trust. People who have always kept their doors open – their local community organisation, youth club or support group. People turned to them during the pandemic, and they will do so again.
In London we are already seeing a rise in demand for the vital services that our smaller, local, community organisations and charities provide. They are seeing more people come through their door with more complex problems to deal with.
And yet, they are facing hardship themselves. The rising cost of food, energy, and petrol is also hitting smaller charities as they try and provide food, housing or transport for people. They will also likely see a drop in donations. And staff, who were already exhausted from the pandemic, will be stretched further.

How can you make a difference to your local community where you live or work?
The rising cost of living will affect us all and it will be challenging, but it won’t be felt equally. Our most vulnerable and marginalised Londoners urgently need our support.
Whether you were born here or have made it your home, what we all love about London – its diversity and vibrancy – is founded on the richness of our communities. At times like this we can’t leave anyone behind, we must come together and show our support, however big or small. We must stand in solidarity with our fellow Londoners who will be at the sharp end of this crisis and with the incredible local heroes who run our local community organisations and charities.

Your donation will provide direct support to smaller, local, community organisations who are providing vital services to people and families in your local communities this autumn. You will help provide items like emergency food, packages of essentials items, and sessions to support people’s mental health and money worries. And, importantly, you will help your local community centre or charity keep its lights on.
This appeal is now closed. For information on our Together for London grantmaking, read our latest blog. Thank you for showing your solidarity for London.