About us

Our equity, diversity and inclusion statement

We know that discrimination and racism exist in London. In our work, we are driven by social justice and believe that positive change is possible.

We seek to achieve this by: 

  • Listening to the experiences of communities and seeking to understand the barriers they face 
  • Recognising that, as a philanthropic funder, we hold a certain type of power and influence and taking responsibility to use them positively
  • Making funding more equitable and inclusive through our practices, and by influencing the way donors give to London  
  • Building a team culture and environment that allows everybody to thrive, reflects London and strengthens our practices and impact
  • Continuously learning, reflecting and acting on what works.

We define 'Equity', 'Diversity' and 'Inclusion' as follows:

Equity means everyone, no matter their background or characteristics, has the ability to achieve equal results. Equity differs from equality, which focuses on equal treatment, support, and distribution of resources rather than outcomes. Equity involves the promotion of justice, impartiality and fairness within the behaviours, procedures, processes, and distribution of resources by institutions or systems. For The London Community Foundation this means recognising that some people experience inequality and injustice, and actively removing barriers and challenging discrimination to enable equal outcomes. 

Diversity means a multiplicity of shared and different individual and group experiences, values, beliefs, and characteristics are represented and valued. For The London Community Foundation, this means celebrating differences and ensuring we employ, engage, and serve a group of people that’s reflective of the society in which the charity exists and operates.

Inclusion means everyone feels they belong, feels safe, valued, has a voice and a means to participate and realise their potential. Diversity efforts alone do not create inclusive environments. For The London Community Foundation, this means taking active steps to listen, reach and involve people, particularly those who tend to be under-represented or whose voices tend not to be heard, and to welcome and accept them as they are.

If you have any questions regarding this EDI statement, please contact us at enquiries@londoncf.org.uk.