We are delighted to be working alongside Lambeth Council to announce the Lambeth Youth Opportunities Fund (LYOF).
The aim of the Fund will be to provide vital resources and funding to support aspirational programmes aimed at helping young people to be safe, resilient, healthy and achieve their potential. In particular, the Fund will focus on improving the life chances for the most vulnerable young people in our community: children living in poverty, black African and Caribbean children, children with special educational needs and disabilities, children looked after and care leavers.
Hear from Ricardo R. Ennis, the Lambeth Youth Councillor/Cabinet Member – Jobs & Growth about the importance of this Fund.
The Covid-19 pandemic has been a major challenge for us to live through over these last few months but charities and community groups across Lambeth have risen to this challenge supporting the most vulnerable residents. This includes keeping young people’s education going with online lessons, transforming buildings into community hubs and distributing emergency care and support. So many local people and organisations have worked tirelessly to make sure young people and their families have had the support they needed during this critical time.
I believe in the potential of every young person in Lambeth and want to empower them to make positive change for themselves and their communities. There is so much to do but we know that the energy of our diverse voluntary and community sector is a source of major strength for more than 67,000 young people living in the borough.
As a Lambeth Youth Councillor, I want to raise awareness of the borough’s charities and community groups that focus on children and young people and highlight their need for support during these challenging and unprecedented times. That’s why I’m so pleased to be working with The London Community Foundation to launch the Lambeth Youth Opportunities Fund (LYOF).
The aim of the LYOF will be to provide vital resources and funding to support aspirational programmes aimed at helping young people to be safe, resilient, healthy and achieve their potential. We want to identify, test and scale the most innovative and effective initiatives to reduce inequality amongst young people in the borough.
In particular, the Fund will focus on improving the life chances for the most vulnerable young people in our community: children living in poverty, black African and Caribbean children, children with special educational needs and disabilities, children looked after and care leavers.
To find out more about the fund, including how to donate – please follow follow this link. You can also download the following brochure:
Click below to read case studies of Lambeth organisations working to support young people in Lambeth: