
Everything you need to know about the Greener Futures Fund

By Sam Smallcombe

Applications for the Greener Futures Fund are open until 21st January 2022.

The Greener Futures Fund is a new fund supported by Grosvenor for the benefit of communities in Westminster and North Southwark. The aim of the Greener Futures Fund is to empower communities to take local action on climate change. Eligible organisations can apply for funding of up to £30,000 over 1-2 years.

We know that climate action can be a daunting topic, so we spoke to Sam Smallcombe, Grants Programme Manager for this fund, who told us everything you need to know to apply!

What do you mean by 'local climate action'?

Any projects, actions or activities that work in the local area to:

  • Improve the environment
  • Increase people’s engagement with the local environment
  • Increase people’s knowledge of climate change and how they can reduce their individual impact

Some examples of activities which could be supported include:

  • Reducing waste through recycling projects, furniture reuse or food growing/sharing
  • Educating people about the local environment by delivering nature walks or forest school projects in local green spaces
  • Greening local spaces and maintaining/developing community gardens, planters or allotments
  • Energy advice which supports people to review and reduce their energy use
  • Enabling sustainable travel such as a bike loan scheme, bicycle training and maintenance
  • Research or campaigns aimed at changing behaviours of local people

Does our organisation have to be focused on climate action?

Not at all. This fund is open to any organisations who would like to deliver a project or activity with a climate focus. Your main activity does not need to be focused on climate action, nor do you need to be climate experts.

What area does the fund cover?

Projects in Westminster and North Southwark – view this map showing the target wards in North Southwark. If you are slightly outside of this area please do get in touch ( as we may still be able to consider your project.

Do we have to be based in Westminster or Southwark?

No – the fund is open to applications from organisations based outside of the target boroughs however the funded work must be based in North Southwark or Westminster and applicants should demonstrate good local knowledge or partnerships

Can we apply for more than two years of funding?

Applications for this round are for a maximum of 2 years of funding (up to £30,000 per year) however the fund is expected to run until 2025, so there will be opportunity to apply for continuation funding.

Can we apply if we are not a registered charity?

The fund is open to community groups, neighbourhood forums and residents’ groups as well as registered organisations. You must have a signed governing document (e.g. a constitution), a bank account with two unrelated signatories and a Board of Directors / Trustees / Management Committee of at least three unrelated people.

If you have any questions around eligibility, see our ‘What can we fund?’ page here or contact You can also read the full grant guidelines on our website (link opens in a new window).

We look forward to reading your applications!