Lambeth Wellbeing Fund

Lambeth Wellbeing Fund supports communities to recover from COVID-19

As well as worsening longstanding health inequalities, responding to COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of a place-based approach to public health. In a borough as diverse as Lambeth, working with – and within – local communities and neighbourhoods is key to improving health and wellbeing.

To tackle this, Lambeth Wellbeing Fund – a partnership between The London Community Foundation, Lambeth Council and Project Smith – has awarded 28 community projects funding of up to £10,000 each to improve health and wellbeing in their neighbourhood.

Solutions from the ground up

Since 2015, the fund has helped communities in Lambeth to encourage solutions from the ground up, building on local skills and knowledge to support each other to improve health and wellbeing.

This year's funded projects support a wide range of people and communities with sessions for women and men, young and older people, people with physical and mental health disabilities, and Lambeth’s Black, Portuguese, and Asian communities, which experience some of the poorest health outcomes.

As well as talking groups, self-care and counselling, funded projects work for wellbeing using:

  • Physical exercise for older or vulnerable adults and young people
  • Creativity for every age group including music and drumming, peer-led creative workshops, Tai chi and dance, and creative writing
  • Food and cookery classes, healthy eating, and food meet-ups for older Vietnamese and Chinese/Vietnamese former refugees with long-term health conditions
  • Gardening and being in nature including sessions for older people
  • Yoga and meditation including sessions for men who prefer not to go to mixed classes.
  • Assistive technology and DIY classes

To find out more about local activities near you, please see below for a full a list of our funded projects for 2021-22 with dates, times, location and contact details.