This fund is now closed. Please sign up to our monthly grants ebulletin (opens in a new window) to stay up to date with our grants that are currently open.
We are delighted to manage the Wimbledon Foundation Community Fund (WFCF). The fund has been set up to benefit the community and provide support for local organisations to meet local needs in the boroughs of Merton and Wandsworth.
If you'd like to understand more about the fund please take a look at the summary information below, and the guidelines for the last funding round by clicking on the buttons below or at the top right hand side of the screen.
All organisations applying for funding should be seeking to deliver work which tackles social needs and supports local people facing disadvantage.
In celebration of Wandsworth becoming the London Borough of Culture in 2025, the Wimbledon Foundation is introducing an additional theme for this round around community arts, working to highlight Wandsworth and Merton’s rich cultural heritage.
Applicant organisations should aim to achieve the above fund objective by addressing one or more of the following themes:
- Projects which engage local residents in community art projects
- Projects which improve mental health and wellbeing
- Projects which provide access to learning, training and employment skills
- Projects which improve access to advocacy, specialist support and advice for vulnerable groups
- Projects which encourage participation in the community
For examples of projects that might be funded through WFCF, please see page 7 of the fund guidelines.
While the fund is not restricted to just organisations based within Merton and Wandsworth, the fund may give priority to smaller, locally-based groups from within these two boroughs.
We welcome applications from organisations supporting any groups facing disadvantage including:
- Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups
- Disability groups
- LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual, +)
- Young people
- People not in education, employment or training
- Older people
In this round, priority will again be given to new applicants to the fund and those who haven't received a past Wimbledon Foundation grant. We do also encourage applications from past WFCF grant recipients.
N.B. We can only accept applications from organisations with a maximum income of £500,000 in this round.
‘Get Set, Get Active’
Please note that WFCF cannot fund sports, dance or physical activity projects. The Wimbledon Foundation supports sporting, dance and physical activity projects through its 'Get Set, Get Active' programme. The 'Get Set, Get Active' programme will be opening in January 2025. Please visit the Wimbledon Foundation website for details.
Projects which have physical activity as a small element of their work, such as youth groups, can apply for funding through WFCF as long as the costs applied for are not related to the delivery of the physical activity.
Grant size
Organisations can apply for a grant of up to £10,000 for one year.
Who may apply?
Eligible Legal Structures – there must be a signed governing document in place appropriate to the legal structure which includes an asset lock (or equivalent clause), and the purpose of all funded activities must be charitable (not for profit):
- Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)
- Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) - may also be registered as a Charity or a Community Interest Company Limited by Guarantee (CICLG)
- Trust
- Unincorporated Association
- Community Benefit Societies (CBS). Ideally, the CBS will also be registered as charitable with HMRC, however, this is not essential.
How to apply
- To apply to this fund, please take a look at the fund guidelines, application form guidance and our core eligibility criteria by clicking on the buttons below or at the top right hand side of the screen and then clicking on the relevant 'Apply now' button.
- Monday 24th February 2025 @ 12noon. The Panel will meet in mid-May and decisions will be released by 31st May 2025. Project activity should therefore start from mid-June 2025 onwards, and not before.
Contact details
If you have any questions about this fund, please contact us on 020 7582 5117 or at
Meet the funder
The Wimbledon Foundation will hold a 'Meet the Funder' session on Wednesday 29th January (10-11:30am) where you can ask questions about your application. Please email to register for the session.
In the meantime, you can catch up on a previous session below: