
Lambeth Community Fund

This fund is now closed. Please sign up to our monthly grants ebulletin (opens in a new window) to stay up to date with our grants that are currently open.

The Lambeth Community Fund is a charitable venture set up to support the borough today and long into the future, responding over time to the changing needs of local people. It was established in 2008 by the transfer of the trusteeship of the Pedlar’s Acre endowment from Lambeth Council. The Lambeth Community Fund is also made up of a number of other endowments. We have now consolidated all these separate programmes so that community groups can apply to one fund with one set of criteria.

What can the fund support:


All applications must address at least one of the following themes:

1. Resilient Futures
- helping communities to create a clean, vibrant and climate resilient borough. This theme is about environmental focused work that will improve the local area so that people can lead healthier, happier lives.
2. Safer Communities
- focusing on work that will improve safety and community connections across the borough. This theme is about community projects that will help everyone feel safe and secure in all places.
3. A Place Called Home
- creating the conditions to grow up and age well within the borough. This theme is about projects promoting healthy and active lives, where everyone can contribute to an inclusive economy and have a place to call home.
4. A Fair and Equitable Borough
- showing a strong commitment to make Lambeth a borough of equity and justice. This theme is about projects focused on tackling poverty and/or supporting Black, Asian and Multiethnic residents, LGBTQ+ residents, disabled residents or women and girls.


Your application must address one of the above three fund themes and your organisation must be based in Lambeth. Additionally, applications should show how they:

  • Work with the most disadvantaged members of the community, those who are not currently accessing services.
  • Actively involve the communities who will benefit from the grant in planning projects and making it happen.
  • Work in partnership or link with other Lambeth organisations.

We encourage applications from organisations that have not previously been funded through The Lambeth Community Fund and will prioritise funding towards these organisations this year.

Income threshold

Organisations with an annual income of £250,000 or less can apply. Organisations with total income in their last financial year above £5,000 should not apply for more than 50% of their annual turnover.


This funding is for Lambeth based organisations only.

Additional criteria

Most of the funding available is flexible, however, we have some specific funding to meet certain criteria. Your application must still address one of the three fund themes (above) but if your project also addresses one of the following, please highlight this in your application:

  • Benefits the Portuguese-speaking community.
  • Supports young people aged under 25 into positive activities. This includes supporting NEET young people (those not in education, employment, or training) into education, training, or apprenticeships.

Grant size

Grants of up to £10,000 per year for 2 years (£20,000 in total). Organisations with total income in their last financial year above £5,000 should not apply for more than 50% of their annual turnover.


The deadline for applications is 12 noon on Wednesday 16th October.

How to apply

To apply to this fund, please take a look at the fund guidelines and application form guidance by clicking on the buttons below or at the top right-hand side of the screen and then clicking on the 'Apply now' button.

Contact details

Please contact the Grants and Impact team at The London Community Foundation if you have any queries about the Fund at or 020 7582 5117.