
Greenwich Peninsula Community Fund

Greenwich Peninsula logo - featuring triangular shapes and a series of concentric half-circles

This fund is now closed. Please sign up to our monthly grants ebulletin (opens in a new window) to stay up to date with our grants that are currently open.

Knight Dragon are the lead developer regenerating Greenwich Peninsula. With over 17,000 new homes, 12,000 new jobs and 48 acres of open public space emerging over the coming years, there is an urban community with design and creativity embedded in its fabric. This Fund has been established to support the growing community of Greenwich Peninsula as the area develops.

This £1.9 million fund will support the delivery of community projects that will have a positive social, economic, and environmental impact on the local community. This Fund will be administered through a grants panel with representation from Knight Dragon, the Royal Borough of Greenwich, Greater London Authority and the Registered Social Landlords.

What can the fund support?


The Fund will support community projects directly delivered within the Greenwich Peninsula ward boundary. Please note that a charity or organisation does not need to be registered within the Greenwich Peninsula ward to apply for this fund, however the funding spent needs to directly benefits the residents and community of Greenwich Peninsula with 80% of a project’s delivery occurring within the Peninsula.


The Fund will provide grants to community projects, voluntary sector organisations or community groups based or operating in the Greenwich Peninsula. Projects will be required to demonstrate social value through:

  1. Improved access to employment and training opportunities across the Peninsula
  2. Active participation in the society (civic engagement) and improvement in life skills
  3. Delivering inclusive health and wellbeing programmes
  4. Positive impact on the local environment, air pollution is reduced, safeguarding the natural environment, resource efficiency and circular economy solutions
  5. Projects that create more resilient communities by demonstrating that crime is reduced, vulnerable people are helped to live independently.
  6. More opportunities for disadvantaged people and those most vulnerable in the community including full time employment opportunities for armed forces veterans, homeless employees, mothers returning to work, survivors of modern slavery employees, young care leavers, rehabilitating offenders, young people who are Not in Employment, Education, or Training (NEETs).
  7. Innovative projects that have a positive social, economic and environmental impact on the community.

Income threshold

There is no income threshold for this fund, but groups with an income under £1m will be prioritised.

Grant size

Organisations can apply for grants between £5,000- £20,000 to be spent within 12 months of the grant award date for projects that support residents of the Greenwich Peninsula Ward.

Source of funding

This fund receives funding from Knight Dragon.

How to apply

If you’d like to understand more about the fund please take a look at the guidelines by clicking on the buttons below or at the top right hand side of the screen. The online application form guidelines are also there to help you when filling out the form online.


The deadline for applications is midday on Friday 6th September 2024.

Contact details

If you have any queries about the fund, please contact us on 020 7582 5117 or at