On 25 March, we launched the London Communities Coronavirus Appeal, which so far has mobilised over £13.4m of essential funds to the Capital’s grassroots charities and community groups.
Grassroots charities and community groups are vital for our communities most vulnerable people, now more than ever in the face of COVID-19. But grassroots organisations have been facing unprecedented challenges to maintain services and survive the crisis.
Local giving has an essential contribution alongside government support. And we know local people and local businesses want to support communities on their doorstep as well as national efforts. That’s why we launched the Appeal. Funds raised through this Appeal have been allocated alongside those from the NET Appeal.
We wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of our donors and partners, for their commitment towards this important work taking place across the capital. A special thank you to: NET and UKCF, Grosvenor, whose donation of £250,000 anchored the appeal, MOPAC Wimbledon Foundation, SEGRO, Scotia Gas Network, Fairview Homes, Addleshaw Goddard Charitable Trust, William Grant and Sons, The Three Guineas Trust, The Kestrelman Trust, Bloomberg employees, Union Bancaire Privée, Deutsche Bank, Affinity Water, Robey Warshaw, Bank Of Ireland, Thames Water, Korman Trust, Peabody, Allen & Overy, L&Q Foundation, William Grant and Sons and NLPT.
Robey Warshaw is pleased to contribute to the London Communities Coronavirus Appeal, to support small charities and community groups that are doing so much to help people affected by the ongoing crisis.Robey Warshaw
Which charities will get the funds?
The first phase of donations raised has provided emergency funding to charities and community groups supporting those people most vulnerable due to COVID-19. This means small grants that can meet immediate needs of charities and community groups, like purchasing of equipment, computers and mobiles, so they can respond to demand differently. Donations have also gone towards the distribution of food, other essentials and safe housing.
We are continuing to collect information on other emerging needs of people at risk and the needs of the charities. Further phases of funding have gone towards helping organisations adapt and enable them to deliver their services.
So far, donations have enabled us to:
- Support an estimated 1.1 million Londoners
- Invest in over £2.4 million to help ensure people have food and other emergency supplies
- Direct nearly 12% of our funding to charities addressing domestic abuse and domestic violence
- At least 48% of funding went towards organisations led by and for marginalised groups (including women, BAME, LGBTQ+, Deaf and disabled people)
- Notify organisations on average of within 12 days of us receiving their application whether their application was successful
How to apply for funding
The London Community Response portal is closed for applications. This portal, hosted by London Funders, is an easy access point for organisations seeking urgent funds at this time. All emergency funds coming to or managed by LCF – including the National Emergencies Trust and the London Communities Coronavirus Appeal – are being allocated through this portal. By working with other funders on this portal, we want to support the sector by reducing time spent applying for funds.
Working in partnership
We will also co-ordinate funding efforts with other key partners in London including other charitable funders, local resilience forums and specialist umbrella bodies. This will allow us to share intelligence on changing needs, so donations are responsive as possible and that small charitable organisations can receive funds quickly. We will follow best practice of funding charitable organisations during this crisis by aligning our work with the London Funders' Commitment: We Stand By The Sector.
This page was last updated on 19 May 2021.