
Launching round three of ESDF Save London Lives

A view across London on a wintery day. Parkland can be seen in the foreground and in the distance, the City, the Shard and Canary Wharf are all visible.

We are delighted to announce that a third round of funding is now available from the ESDF Save London Lives Fund, thanks to a generous donation of £600,000 from the L&Q Foundation.

Keen to help build the resilience of London’s grassroots organisations working to tackle youth violence, L&Q’s donation will enable organisations to apply for up to £30,000 in funding over three years towards their core costs. In addition, organisations will have the opportunity to access capacity building support, including engagement and networking opportunities, helping to increase impact.

ESDF Save London Lives was originally launched by the Evening Standard in July 2018 in collaboration with The London Community Foundation in response to the increase in youth violence and knife crime in London.

We believe community-based organisations play a vital role in addressing and tackling this issue, as explored in our report Violence Virus, published one year ago. Speaking with a range of organisations, it is evident the knowledge, trust and compassion these organisations have is crucial in tackling crime from within their communities.

As one part of a wider strategic and multi-agency response to youth violence, funding to help build resilience, raise awareness and evidence impact through initiatives likes Save London Lives, is extremely important. In the last year, Save London Lives has awarded funding to 41 organisations tackling youth violence.

Next week we are hosting the first in a series of Save London Lives capacity building meetings designed to understand and capture the support needs of organisations funded in rounds one and two. Together these organisations form a powerful network, all working to tackle youth violence. They will be joined by those funded in round three, post-award, as part of a wider capacity building programme.

Click here to find out more and apply to round three.