Peabody Community Fund

This fund is now closed. Please sign up to our monthly grants ebulletin (opens in a new window) to stay up to date with our grants that are currently open.

We are delighted to manage the Peabody Community Fund (PCF).

The fund was founded in 2014 and exists to support projects and activities designed to improve the quality of life of Peabody residents and the wider community.

To apply to this fund, please take a look at the fund guidelines and application form guidance by clicking on the buttons below or at the top right hand side of the screen and then clicking on the relevant* 'Apply now' button.


The fund awards 1 or 2-year grants and is able to support charities and community organisations providing ongoing/regular activities benefitting Peabody residents of all ages.

Priority will be given to:

  • Organisations/projects addressing the needs of the most disadvantaged members of the community
  • Peabody resident-led projects. If an applicant organisation is not resident-led, they will need to demonstrate strong connections with local residents, strong partnership working in the locality, a commitment to the locality after the proposed project is complete, and a clear understanding of community needs
  • Youth-led projects up to the age of 24
  • There will also be restricted funds for projects supporting Peabody residents living in Waltham Forest
  • The 8 priority boroughs for 2022/23 are: Barnet, Hammersmith & Fulham, Haringey, Kensington & Chelsea, Lewisham, Newham, Wandsworth and Westminster
  • Organisations and projects seeking to support Peabody communities to manage the impact of the rising Cost of Living - please see costs section on page 4 of the fund guidelines for full details

Note: Activities must demonstrate the beneficiaries will primarily be Peabody residents. To find out where Peabody estates are near you, please refer to the Peabody website.


Projects must align with one or more of the three fund themes:

  • Healthyhelping people with their physical and mental wellbeing
  • Wealthysupporting people to become financially independent through employment, enterprise and education
  • Happyhelping people make the most out of their lives through active citizenship, volunteering and community involvement

Income threshold

Applicants must have an annual income of £500,000 or less.

Grant size and project duration

Grants are available covering costs relating to your proposed project, and groups can request:

  • Grants of up to £10,000 per year over 2 years (maximum request of £20,000 in total) for organisations with an annual income of £250,000 or less.
  • Grants of up to £15,000 per year over 2 years (maximum request of £30,000 in total) for organisations with an annual income between £250,001 and £500,000.

Applicants have the option to either request 1 or 2-year funding - please note that there is a maximum amount that can be requested per year at each income band (see above).

How to apply

This fund is now closed. Please sign up to our monthly grants ebulletin (opens in a new window) to stay up to date with our grants that are currently open.

To apply to this fund, please take a look at the fund guidelines and application form guidance by clicking on the buttons below or at the top right hand side of the screen and then clicking on the 'Apply now' button.

You may also find it useful to read the FAQs from our recent online Q&A session, or watch the recording online, available below.


This fund is now closed. Please sign up to our monthly grants ebulletin (opens in a new window) to stay up to date with our grants that are currently open.

Contact details

If you have any questions or would like to discuss any element of the fund or your application, please contact us on 020 7582 5117 or at

The Peabody Community Team will also be available to help groups who need support developing their application. For support from Peabody please e-mail the Community Team at

PCF Application Presentation and Q&A Online Session

The Peabody Team and The London Community Foundation hosted a PCF Application Presentation and Q&A which provided organisations with more information about the fund, and also the opportunity to ask questions about this funding round and their applications.

You can find the answers to the questions asked by clicking on the 'Read FAQs from our Q&A session' button, which is below and to the right.