Let's Create Jubilee Fund

This fund is now closed. All grant application decisions will be released by the 31st March 2022.

The Arts Council England Let’s Create Jubilee Fund will support voluntary and community groups to develop creative and cultural activities as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June 2022. The Fund has been created by Art's Council England with funds from the National Lottery.

The Fund is open to voluntary and community organisations with charitable aims which do not have to be based solely around arts and culture. This could include youth groups, parent/carer groups and volunteer organisations.

The London Community Foundation (LCF) will be awarding £621,041 to organisations working in one or more London boroughs. If your organisation works in Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets, and/or the City of London, please apply to the East End Community Foundation.

For more information, we’d recommend reading a recent interview with the Fund’s Grant Programmes Manager available here.

What can the fund support?


As a minimum projects must:

  • Focus on creative and cultural activity (as defined in the Fund Guidance)
  • Engage with at least one of the artforms that ACE supports (as listed in the Fund Guidance)
  • Be high-quality and inclusive in their approach
  • Public facing activity takes place in June 2022 (with planning, rehearsals and development taking place in April and May, and monitoring and evaluation in July 2022)


Community and voluntary organisations delivering projects with the following will be prioritised:

  • Project partnerships (please see page 4 in the Fund Guidance):
  1. First priority is for groups that partner with an artist, creative or cultural organisation that has been in receipt of ACE funding within the last 4 years to help deliver their project. You can find out more about ACE supported artists or organisations in your local area on our website.
  2. If that is not possible, groups that have partnered with an artist, creative or cultural organisation that has not been in receipt of ACE funding, would be the next to be prioritised.
  3. Finally, groups who have not partnered with an artist or arts group, would then be considered for funding.
  • Groups with an income of under £1m in their most recent financial year
  • Applicants with a budget that covers all the costs involved as we want to ensure the full cost of the project is covered including direct overheads, preparation, and monitoring costs (see more in the eligible costs section of the Fund Guidance)
  • Reaching people in areas that are considered the most deprived in London (more on this here)


The location of the project must be based in one of more of the 32 London boroughs excluding: Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets, and/or the City of London (as these will be funded through East End Community Foundation).

Size of Grant

Grants of between £3,000 - £10,000 are available.


The deadline has now passed.

Source of funding

Arts Council England (ACE) is the national development agency for creativity and culture. Their strategic vision, Let’s Create, sets out that by 2030 England will be a country in which the creativity of each of us is valued and given the chance to flourish and where everyone of us has access to a remarkable range of high-quality cultural experiences. They invest public money from Government and The National Lottery to help support the sector and to deliver this vision.

Additional information

All successful groups sign up to the Queen’s Jubilee website here, and announce their grant and project using the hashtags provided.

Please note that ACE funded National Portfolio Organisations (NPO) are not eligible to apply for this fund. If your organisation is an ACE funded NPO, we recommend you partner with a voluntary or community organisation that meets the funding criteria. This partner will need to be the lead applicant. ACE funded organisations can be eligible to be lead applicant themselves as long as they are not NPOs, are community/voluntary organisations and meet the other eligibility criteria.


Accessible versions of application guidelines in large print, easy read and audio, are now available via the UKCF website, which you can read here.

Please note that the following criteria points will be specific to grants available from LCF and are not stated on the accessible versions:

  • The minimum grant size available is £3,000 (not £750).
  • Groups with an income under £1m in their most recent financial year will be prioritised.
  • Actively encouraging applicants to pay staff the Real Living Wage which is £11.05 per hour in London.
  • You must upload a Safeguarding Policy onto your online application (as this is an eligibility requirement).
  • Previous LCF funding: All conditions from any previous LCF grants must be completed and you must have no current outstanding monitoring from previous grants with LCF at the time of application.

Any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Grants & Impact Team.

Contact details

Please do not hesitate to contact LCF’s Grants & Impact Team if you would like to discuss your proposal prior to making an application, if you need help with completing the form or providing the supporting documents.

Application queries: applications@londoncf.org.uk

Prefer to talk on the phone: 020 7582 5117

Please read the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document if you have any queries. If your question is not answered in the document, then please contact the Grants and Impact Team. This will be updated regularly.